
Rhetorical Analysis On Florence Kelley

Satisfactory Essays

Florence Kelley was a social worker in the United States who fought against child labor laws and improving women’s working conditions. She delivered a speech on July 22, 1905 to the National American Women Suffrage Association. Florence Kelley use very powerful ways of persuasion during her speech. Kelley doesn’t believe that women and children are receiving the rights they should be given. Women's working rights, and child labor laws are to very important topics to argue. Florence Kelley uses logical facts on her side to help persuade you, for example she says “We have, in this country, two million children under the age of sixteen years old who are earning their bread.” This may not see like a lot today but was very much so in 1905. She gives al the restrictions of the states during this time on child …show more content…

Kelley uses a very persistent tone in her speech to convey her message, because what she is arguing has been going on for some time now in America. She recognizes the parents in her audience to use pathos. This is very effective because they have children of their own, and would not want the same conditions for their own kids. She also realizes that her audience is not only adults with children so she changes her tone throughout her speech to more of a logical appeal and tries to prove her points with evidence. She states that “ No other portion of the wage class increased so rapidly from decade decade as the young girls from fourteen to twenty years old.” These young girls and boys aren’t just working because they want to, because they are force because of their family and financial situations. The exigence of her speech is that children and women are in poor working conditions and no one is doing anything about it. These kids do not deserve to have to work for night shifts up to eleven hours to provide for themselves and or help their

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