
Rhetorical Devices In Patrick Henry's Speech To The Virginia Convention

Decent Essays

In the “Speech to the Virginia Convention,” Patrick Henry persuades the Loyalists to fight England. Through several main rhetorical devices, he uses allusions, diction, appeal to ethos, and rhetorical questions. With these strategies, gives the audience different perspectives on Patrick Henry’s speech. For example, allusions. He used that rhetorical device to give a visual image to his audience. One of the main rhetorical devices Patrick Henry uses was an allusion. Through it, he created a good connection of powerful series of images to his audience. Like the allusion of the Sirens. When he was delivering his message to the Loyalists, he said, “listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts.” Patrick Henry was trying to …show more content…

With diction, his word choice, rhythm, timing, tone and image were practical influences on the speech. One example of his diction “war and subjugation,” provided pictures of being served or meant to serve. A reason why they were called “Loyalists” because they subjected themselves to Britain. Ethos is another main rhetorical device. Patrick Henry appealed to their ethics by calling the loyalists “worthy gentlemen” and “patriots.” He does this by gaining their trust. Another example of this would be “But different men often see the same subject in different lights.” In this quote, Patrick Henry is being open-minded and acknowledging the other opinions so he does not offend no one. One of the main rhetorical devices Patrick Henry uses was rhetorical question. The purpose of this device was asking an obvious question, but in turn, makes a point. In this case, Patrick Henry’s interesting question to the loyalists was “Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation? Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled that force must be called in to win back our love?” This may have meant “why are you all so loyal and friendly when they are nothing but cruel bullies?” His excellent use of this device was only a simple question though it was obvious. To the loyalists, they were probably blinded and have been informed of their difficult hardships with Britain because they may have been used

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