
Rhetorical Devices Used In The Gettysburg Address

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During the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln delivered one of the most memorable speeches, “The Gettysburg Address”. Abraham Lincoln implements effective rhetorical devices such as historical context, diction, and antithesis to give unify the nation. Lincoln establishes credibility by utilizing historical context. He starts the speech by taking the audience back to "fourscore and seven years ago" to when our Founding Fathers drafted the Declaration of Independence. He refers to the document and reminds the audience that the nation was built upon the idea that "all men are created equal." However, when the Civil War started, Confederates believed that slavery should be allowed, violating the idea. Therefore, the victory of the war justifies the qualification of th e founding basis of the nation: liberty and equality. Lincoln uses specific diction to reinforce his purpose of the speech. By using words such as "we" and "us", Lincoln creates a sense of unity between all Americans. In the third paragraph, Lincoln continues to use precise words to describe the deeds of the soldiers: “dedicated”, “brave”, and “noble”. Not only do all of those words give the audience the soldier’s pride and commitment towards the nation, but also …show more content…

Rather than paying respect for the dead, "it for us the living, rather, to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us." This task was to keep the Union alive and carry on its ideals: life and liberty. Following the text, Lincoln reminds the audience that the Union has to continue to pursue the war to make sure that, "these dead shall not have died in vain." Lincoln ends the speech in these unforgettable words: "... of the people, by the people, for the people". The use of an asyndeton engraves Lincoln's motive into the audience's mind and amplifies the impact of the

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