
Richard III a Tyrant as King Essay

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Richard III a Tyrant as King Throughout history, this very title has been disputed and the outcome has remained debatable to this very day. Richard, Duke of York had remained loyal to his brother, Edward IV throughout his years of reign, and had been well rewarded for his support, he became the Duke of Gloucester. In marrying Anne Neville, daughter of Earl of Warwick, he had inherited mass amounts of Neville land in the north of England after both the Earl and Anne died. He was respected within the northern parts of England and provided land for his friends. He was an able man who showed signs of being an efficient king amidst the preoccupations of the rebellions, sadly he went about it the …show more content…

The manner, in which Richard moved for authority, seems to put forward that he was the tyrant of Shakespeare's play. He also professed that he had been informed, by a Bishop, of how Edward had been betrothed to a woman by the name of Eleanor Boteles, before his marriage to Elizabeth in 1464. This therefore proved the marriage was invalid and the children were bastards. There was no evidence to contradict Richard, as both Edward and Eleanor were dead, she had died a number of years before the story came out. With all other claimants to the throne dead, Richard was the rightful heir. Richard's seizure of the throne could also be seen as ambitious, or overly ambitious, and this cost him support. On becoming king, he had shared southern land between his northern supporters, loosing all trust and loyalty from the south. When Richard arrived in London he quickly on the spot killed Lord Hastings. He moved him to take out the support for his nephew, Edward V, as Lord Hastings had been possibly Edward V biggest supporter. Richard later said it was due to the fact that Hastings had been scheming himself to take the crown. But by killing Hatings on the spot seems a dictatorial act with both this act and the manner that Richard took the crown does not help to improve the view of Richard III. Richard had the two princes taken to the

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