
Ridgway Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

It takes a lot to rip apart a town. It takes a lot to ravage a community, particularly one as tightly-knit as Ridgway, Pennsylvania. Nestled snugly at the southeastern edge of Allegheny National Forest, Ridgway’s population has dipped to just below four thousand in recent years, though in its 191 years of settlement, it’s never once been called home by more than roughly six thousand people at once. Its proximity to the forest attracts huntsmen and hikers alike, but unless one were actively looking for the town—the square mileage of which comes in at just over two and a half miles, total—it would be remarkably easy for Ridgway to not make a blip on someone’s radar at all. It’s small, out of the way, and most of all, quiet—a recipe for insignificance. …show more content…

This time, the victim was a man in his early twenties, and he was discovered, wrapped haphazardly in a plastic tarp identical to the one the first body had been found in, in the bushes outside of the one high school in the county. At first, the county police were skeptical that the murders had been committed by the same people, due to the fact that the victims were of different genders and had been disposed of in entirely different locations, but they were eventually forced to admit that all signs pointed to their sleepy little Pennsylvanian town having a potential serial killer on their hands. When the story broke in the local newspaper, the killer had received an official pseudonym: the Ridgway Ripper. Later, when the man responsible for bringing so much tragedy to such a small town was apprehended and a face and a name were given to this pseudonym, the majority of the town continued to call him the Ripper. No one would dare say it out loud, but everyone knew that it was because it was simply easier that way. It was easier to pretend that something else, something inhuman, could be the source of so much

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