
Rigoberta Menchu Literary Analysis

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The Guatemalan Civil War was a period filled with constant battles between the national government and the indigenous Maya population. In I, Rigoberta Menchu: An Indian Woman in Guatemala, we witness Menchu's compelling narrative highlighting indigenous life during the Guatemalan Civil War. Since publication, her narrative has achieved world acclaim as it was awarded the Nobel Peace in 1992. Such acclaim, however, has incited critics to question her narrative, as does anthropologist David Stoll in Rigoberta Menchu and the Story of All Poor Guatemalans. Although the questioning of historical accounts is valid, David Stoll’s challenge of Menchu serves no purpose other than to discredit Menchu's personal narrative. Therefore, I find Menchu …show more content…

She recollects earning only a meager 20 centavos for picking 35 pounds of coffee a day. However, Stoll claims that Rigoberta never experienced working on the plantations as her father was "not poor by local standards". Yet, regardless of her level of poverty, Menchu was still impecunious as she was living at the edge of the Altiplano mountains cultivating crops for the entirety of her day to simply provide for her family. Stoll continues to say that Menchu provides an inaccurate representation of her village as it was "a more fluid society than conveyed". He states that the indígenas were "learning better ways to make a living" and were not working in plantations as much, "instead, they were going to school in record numbers". Therefore, Stoll attempts to discredit the persona of Menchu as a humble indigenous woman who overcame a multitude of obstacles in order to tarnish her entire narrative as a false account in his desperate search for public recognition. Lastly, to disrepute Menchu, Stoll attempts to disgrace the peasant movement she and her family were heavily involved with. He denounces the protesters from Comité de Unidad Campesina (CUC), by criticizing their decision of carrying Molotov cocktails in their occupation of the Spanish embassy. Stoll asserts that "it should not be assumed that all knew such weapons would be brought" to portray

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