
Rise Of The South Summary

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Chapter 9: The Rise of the South, took place in the years 1815 through 1860. The south and the north societies were like two different worlds, one was industrialized while the other was unethical. The land of the south was brutally taken from the original settlers, the Indians. Slaves were treated inhumanely; but they kept their strength amongst them through their religion. In the end, a born slave rebelled against slaveholders, ending in many deaths. The first thing that was important in the chapter is the difference between the north versus south. In the north, the way of living was industrialized. Slaves were rare and factories were scattered in the north. There were more people in the north than the south, so the north could create their own banks and shipping systems. In the south, slavery was prominent. Majority of the labor performed was provided by slaves. The treatment of these slaves …show more content…

The whites used paternalism as an “excuse” on how they treated the slaves. Slaveholders stated they were doing the slaves’ race a favor. An example of how bad it was; a slaveholder was sad when his race horse was sick, but when his slave had died he paid no mind to it and sent off for another slave. On the slaves’ end, they did what was told because they felt they had an obligation to their owners because the slaveholders provided the slaves with living quarters (not sanitary nor comfortable) and necessities. The slaves needed to keep their owners happy by making their owners think their “kindness” was appreciated. Slaves were viewed as objects or property. This was “important” because it struck many feelings in me. I was angry and sad for the people of those times. I am sad that it is what Americans were once before, and the fact that the current President wants to bring back the old ways that are close to these times. I am not proud to be an

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