
Rising Achievemnts: 25 Ways to Reduce the Cost of College

Decent Essays

Rising the Achievements Educating is very important to become a better person and have a better living. According to Center of College Affordability and Productivity, “80 percent of college bound students have yet to choose a major” (Vedder, Gillen, Bennett, et al., 28). Freshmen students do not know what they will encounter during the first year of college. This high percentage of students not knowing what they want to study demonstrates that, even though there will be a reduction in college costs it will not benefit them as much. Even when having a major chosen the typical undergraduate will switch their major two to three times. It’s good that they are seeking ways to increase graduation rates, but is it really worth it if people do not know what they want to study? The problem with college students is that they are taking classes that they do not need. Colleges need to have strict regulations imposed in order to have higher graduation rates in college students because obtaining a three year bachelor’s degree is not a reliable it does not have established metrics, finding a job when graduating with a three year bachelors can be difficult, and not a real college experience. Even though having a bachelor’s degree within three years is a great idea because it reduces spending for a whole year it also has downsides. According to Center of College Affordability and Productivity, “Three-year program may result in less content and poor quality” (Vedder, Gillen, Bennett, et

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