
Risk Assessment And Management And Safe Handling

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Most of us are not aware regarding security in the workplace. This is one of the most single way to understand and protect oneself from any harm that may occur anytime. Safety is always the common issue in the workplace. Through proper trainings and education we acquire the adequate knowledge needed when working in a facility.

In this report I will discourse on Infection Control, Risk Assessment and Management and Safe Handling which is the foundation in dealing with residents we encounter every day.

Infection Control:
Minimizing Contamination in workplace is a standard operating procedure that needs to follow every now and then. This is to avoid the risk of contaminating other individuals especially in Health Care Setting. As a Health Care Worker, we must follow the protocol to provide excellent care towards the resident. Spreading microorganisms in the work place is really a threat to the clients because their immune system is low, they can easily acquire diseases which we can possibly control when proper procedure is carrying out well.

Contagions are everywhere, what we could possibly do is to minimize or lessen on how could be transmitted to other folks especially those that are at risk. One way to prevent spreading contaminants is to do the accurate hand washing technique. Disinfection is also a mean in controlling infection especially when new clients are admitted, make sure that her room is cleaned and disinfected especially if there is a client

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