
Rites Of Passage In The Japanese Community

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Throughout this section, I will explore the rites of passage in the Japanese community from an emic perspective. Crapo (2013) defines emic, “an insider’s or native’s meaningful account— may be written for outsiders but portrays a culture and its meanings as the insider under¬stands it. Exploring the Japanese community from an emic perspective takes dedication and understandings. The Japanese community has a wide variety of ceremonies that are practiced both in America and Japan. Some traditional ceremonies or celebrations are the baptisms, marriages, death and afterlife. According to Ichihara (2013), a baptisms practice reveals that “The 1959 Prayer Book was revolutionary in the initiation rites. It combined the traditional three different …show more content…

In some cases, young Japanese adults sometimes want to be baptized in the community, but the parents don’t allow it. The parents that don’t permit the practice of rites don’t usually understand why it is important to be baptized. This behavior is very different in the Hispanic community; parents welcome the baptism in the family. Another rite of passage is marriage in the Japanese community; some are even arranged marriages. According to Applbaum (1995), “…arranged marriages are premised upon the similarity of social standing of the families of the prospective couple, and the families are very much involved in the process of selecting a marriage partner” (para. 1). This practice is very different compared to your traditional marriage in the Hispanic culture. Nonetheless, a love marriage can still take place in most cases. An arranged marriage is usually done by people with high standing backgrounds attributes. The article also states, “In Japanese these attributes are referred to as iegara, which translates as birth or lineage” (Applbaum, 1995, para. 3). While it is mentioned that the Hispanic culture has significant exposure on a fifteen celebration it was not spoken much in the research, however, in the Japanese culture, they focus more …show more content…

In the article of rites of passage, by Tsuji (2011) he discusses how Japan culture goes through different rituals when reaching the point of death and afterlife compared to the United States. When one speaks of old age in the United States, it refers to an individual who is ready to retire or close to passing away. In recent research, some typical behaviors upon reaching this milestone are when a person moves into a senior living capacity, the use of hearing aids, and one might even give up driving. On the other hand, Japan's culture is different when referring to celebrations and old age. The rites of passage rituals for those getting old start as early as sixty years old. The reason Japanese celebrate his or her sixtieth birthday is that many did not survive longer than his or her sixtieth birthday. In addition to Japanese culture of old age, they also celebrate auspicious birthdays. This tradition is a sequence of celebrations that occurs different time throughout his or her lifetime. The Japanese reflect back on the person's life for which they have lived. Another critical fact is that these birthday celebrations were known to guide death within rites of passage. The rites of passage continue beyond death into the afterlife with the tradition of worshiping the ancestors. Some of the cultures of the Japanese afterlife include the offering of tea, flowers, and rice to

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