
River Valley Civilization Similarities/Differences

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River Valley Civilization Similarities/Differences Approximately in the years of 3500 B.C- 450 B.C. civilizations began to crystalize independently along a number of fertile river plains in Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Indus valley, and China. These civilizations helped set up the next step in the organization of human economic, political, religious, and social classes. The rivers supplied a continuous if not always dependable flow and supply of water for farming and human uses, these rivers also shaped the development of the early river valley civilizations. However, while many people of these civilizations were dependent on the rivers, the rivers also inspired new technology, economic, organizational and etc. River valley civilizations eventually …show more content…

China’s government was consisted of three dynasties “series of rulers from a single family”, who ruled over the land during the time of the River valley civilization. Egypt during this same time period had their civilization set up by the government and pharos; kings had the most power and were looked upon as Gods. Mesopotamia’s government had kings that were able to control their own city-states.
With comparing these civilizations, I have noticed that all the governments for the older civilizations have had kings as their leaders. The difference though is the way the kings gained their dominance and how they used it in their favor. Also, what they were known for in each civilization. If you look back at it you may notice that China and India basically had the same type of government and the main difference was how the ruler used their power in each civilization. Along with comparing the different civilization’s governments comes the different social class such as kings, priests, nobles, merchants, pharaohs, peasants, and slaves. The kings were at the top of each social class except for china, while slaves were at the bottom with the exception of Mesopotamia. The difference is that most of the River Valley Civilizations had the same types of members in their social

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