
Road Not Taken Response

Decent Essays

aniel Crews Professor Lennox Experiencing Literature March 3rd, 2017 The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost illustrates how thinking too hard about a decision that you don’t know the best option to can lead to immense stress and anxiety. “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost shines light on the thoughts and actions of an adventurer as he looks back on a decision that changed his life forever. Frost talks about revealing an unexpected fork on his path and illustrates vividly his thought process in choosing what path until he made his final decision. When Frost shares this experience, he is symbolically sharing an essential life lesson he wants the reader to understand. When reading the poem, you can feel the tone of disappointment …show more content…

His remorseful tone is obvious through “with a sigh” (Frost 16) and shows that he is also upset with the outcome of his chosen path. Showing from these emotions, Frost makes it obvious that he cannot change his life and would more than likely feel similar if he went down the other …show more content…

The narrator describes the events that happened to him, using "I" to describe himself. When the story is told from this aspect, it gives you the opportunity to better understand Frost’s thoughts and feelings. The narrator is introduced as an older and wise man who is thinking back on an old decision he made earlier in his life when he was not as wise, in the first stanza. Using the knowledge he obtained since this choice, he illustrates to the reader the two roads and describes the hardships and scrutiny that came about because of the decision that he made. When Frost shares this experience it makes the poem more relatable because everyone has had some experience as such. The narrator creates a binding relationship between readers and himself because he is an example of his poems meaning. I can relate to this because once I had to make a decision between ordering Bauer Supreme S190 series or Reebok Larcenies. In the end I ordered the Supremes and after a year they were torn up. I couldn’t go back and change my decision but from then on I knew that when it came to buying equipment that I need to order from Reebok. This shows the difficulty of making a decision when you know you cannot go back and are not sure which is the right

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