
Roaring 20 Research Paper Topics

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Roaring 20s The 1920s were the epitome of a confident culture. They reflect a country coming away from trials only to try and live life fully. At least this period was their interpretation of living. One might say that they were living the things that could not be done before this period. The Roaring 20s represented a culture absorbing new inventions, music, and ideas. The people took these things and ran. By the time the Great Depression came they didn’t know how to respond. They had been living quite contrary to the way things were prior to 1920. For ten years life was easy. The 1920s demonstrated rapid innovation and change in cultural norms. Exacerbated from war and sickness, American culture, of the 1920s, changed hastily. The break in cultural tension lifted a country to new peaks. Many inventions were created. …show more content…

There was instilled in the youth of this period and sense of over security. This security produced a population that didn’t know how to respond to a mass crisis, the Great Depression. There were other things that were not positive during the 1920s, such as, prohibition and anti-immigration. Prohibition resulted in more crimes and illegal production of alcohol, which meant unhealthy drinking. When something is done illegally chances are it is not done with caution or prudence. Anti-immigration changed the American acceptance of foreigners. Were the Americans not once foreigners? During WWI there was an awareness of communistic issues. This awareness created a weariness. The public suddenly was scared of immigrants, because of this there were limitations on immigrants coming to the U.S. Combined with pre-conceived racial superiority the immigrants that were already in the U.S. often were looked down upon. Problems were created during the 1920s, some of which led to a complete reliance on the government during the Great

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