
Robert Chesebrough's Life And Accomplishments

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Robert Chesebrough was a chemist and the inventor of Vaseline. He influenced many people to invent things, and Vaseline led to many great products and companies. He advertised his product himself for the most part by burning himself and using Vaseline to heal it. Robert Augustus Chesebrough was a innovative and inventive chemist. He Invented a product that is still used to this day, and sparked the creation of many cosmetic companies.

Robert Augustus Chesebrough, was a famous chemist and inventor. He lived for 96 years. He was born on June, 9, 1837 in England to American parents. Robert Chesebrough died on September 8 1933 in his house located in Spring Lake New Jersey. He was married to Margaret McCready who died April 3 1887. Robert and Margaret had 4 children, Robert m., William h., Frederick w., …show more content…

People began to use Vaseline for two main things, they would make cosmetics, and they would bake with it. Many chefs and pastry makers began to use vaseline in their cakes and pastries because no matter how stale their creation would get the vaseline made it so that it never went bad. Many of Vaselines female customers began to mix lamp black with Vaseline and apply it to her eyelashes as a makeshift mascara, and this trick sparked the beginning of the famous maybelline company. Maybel Williams getting ready for a date one night and was using coal dust and a mixture other darkening ingredients to make her own version of a mascara. Her brother Thomas williams was intrigued by this idea so he replaced her concoction but added vaseline to the mixture. And from Thomas Williams curiosity came the first ever Maybelline product. They soon began to sell their product by mail order. And after a while it became readily available at the five and dime store. Robert CHesebrough invention sparked the imagination of many people to use Vaseline in beauty, cooking and many

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