
Essay on Robert Johnson's He

Decent Essays

This book helped me put some of the situations and feelings that I have experienced in my life into perspective and with more meaning. I could relate to many of the subjects that this book covered and could understand where the author’s ideas originated. Not only can I see his ideas appearing in my own actions, but I also see them in males in their mid-forties to fifties. This observation supports the idea of us going from innocence to doubt and back to innocence. The first idea that stuck with me is the interpretation of the salmon and how it represented Christ.

Because my thoughts on religion and god are so unclear in my life, it led me to interpret the whole situation differently and with different symbolism that is more adjacent …show more content…

Most of the characteristics that we take on, we later throw away, after discovering that they do not work for us.

Many of the characteristics that we develop from this time remain with us for the rest of our lives. We continue to do things like a family member does or did. Some of the complexes that we develop when we are mere toddlers take us a lifetime to shed. It is during the whole stage of adolescence when we begin to doubt. During this stage we begin to find out who we really are.

This process can only be achieved by sifting through the complexes we have developed, questioning them, and changing what we don’t like. We build on what fits who we are. Although this process slows down, it still continues for the rest of our lives.Robert Johnson emphasizes that every human being has got to break away from their parents at some point in time, especially their mother-complex that lives inside each and every one of us. It is the mother-complex that effects us the most and that requires the greatest struggle to recover from. When a child first tries to separate themselves from their mother, it is all in vain. They are only trying to hide it from themselves and the rest of the world.

When some aspect of ourselves is being ignored in hopes of it disappearing, that aspect will act up like a child looking for attention. It is only when we can fully accept and understand what

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