
Role Of A Community In Ernest Gaines A Lesson Before Dying

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A community is a social group whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a cultural and historical heritage.. The book A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest Gaines. Is about a young black man named Jefferson in 1947 Louisiana who is used as a scapegoat for a local murder. He must face his upcoming execution and is helped by Grant Wiggins the local teacher and Reverend Ambrose the local clergyman. What makes a strong community is the practice of acceptance and responsibility. Gaines demonstrates this through Jefferson’s transformation , Grant’s support and Rev. Ambrose belief. Three characters in this story teach us about acceptance and responsibility. Jefferson has to keeps his head high and not beg for his life …show more content…

Someone who demonstrates responsibility is Grant Wiggins. Grant went to the jail to visit Jefferson even when he wasn’t told to. Grant went to help Jefferson for Vivian. “If they say yes, I want you to go for me. For you? For us, Grant”(32). The significance of this quote is that he stayed for Vivian and he intended to stay even when he was humiliated by the sheriff. Grant stayed in the community to help Jefferson. Even when he really wanted to leave. Miss Emma and Tante Lou wanted Jefferson to know that he isn’t a hog. That he should walk with his head high and not see himself as lower than when he has to die. That Jefferson can die without any pain or show any pain for his Nannan. Grant took responsibility to take teach …show more content…

Reverend Ambrose was a teacher and an educated man. He understood the struggle of being an African American. He would help other African Americans accept. He lied to make others feel better. He told the community about how when they pass, they will be at in a better place. “I know they done cheated themselves, lied to themselves-hoping that one they all and trust come back and help relieve the pain”(218). The importance of this quote was that he knows he lied and that the whole community of African Americans also lied to make everyone else happy. Reverend Ambrose tells everyone about heaven and how great it will be there. When they die, they will be happy and wouldn’t have such a hard time. “At wakes, at funerals, at weddings- yes, I lie. I lied at wakes and funerals to relieve the pain”( 218). The quote is about how Reverend Ambrose lies to everyone. Telling everyone that there is a heaven. To make the pain less tormenting. Reverend Ambrose was someone who accepted something he had done and lied to help

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