
Role Of Materialism In The Great Gatsby

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Only you can make the most admirable choices to living a long and fulfilled life, however, you can also make some unfavorable choices in which might lead to a short life or possibly death. The Great Gatsby is a novel pertaining to the history of the Roaring 20’s, the Jazz Age, and a time when everyone seemed to have money, and act carelessly. Main character and protagonist of the story, Jay Gatsby, was a self-made millionaire and lived in a mansion, positioned adjacent to Nick Carraway’s (another protagonist) unpretentious home. It was a blur to the people of East and West Egg, as to how Jay Gatsby made or obtained his money in general, and in addition, who he really was as a person in society. In F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel, The Great Gatsby, …show more content…

Tom wondered how he made all his money, bootlegging he assumed. At this point in the story, Tom had never actually asked Gatsby what he had done to make his wealth, he had only heard what others said about him, so he questioned if Gatsby was “‘Some big bootlegger?”’(Fitzgerald 107). He also added that a lot of newly rich people are just big bootleggers. After the argument when Daisy informed Tom she never loved him in spur of the moment, for her and Gatsby’s sake, and that she was leaving him for good to be with Jay, Tom lashed out. He said to Gatsby, “‘I found out about what your ‘drug-stores’ were”’(Fitzgerald 133). Gatsby had informed people that he made his money from owning drug stores, if they asked, in which was not a lie. Tom continued and unleashed the dirt he had on him, saying, “’He and Wolfsheim bought up a lot of side-street drug-stores here and in Chicago and sold grain alcohol over the counter. That’s one of his little stunts. I picked him for a bootlegger the first time I saw him, and i wasn't far wrong”(fitzgerald 133). Gatsby did however bootleg, but he kept it a quiet business with Wolfsheim and the other thugs he was acquainted with. He did that to make money for Daisy and he liked to show off his expensive things like his house and car. He bought himself an unaffordable, flashy, orange car. Anyone would know it was his vehicle if they saw it. So, when Daisy went crazy, and took his car, she ran over and killed Myrtle. Myrtle was Tom’s mistress. Myrtle was married as well, to a guy named George Wilson, the owner of Wilson’s Garage. Because Gatsby’s car was easily recognizable, Tom told George that Gatsby was driving, and hit Myrtle with his car and left her dead. Because, although he was not driving, it was still his car and Tom assumed Gatsby was in his car. George took the matter into his hands because his wife was killed; He shot and killed Gatsby on

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