
Role Of Primary Attending Healthcare Provider Essay

Decent Essays

Introduction Having a patient on life support is a mentally challenging and exhausting time for the patient’s family members. It is an even more mentally exhausting for that patients attending healthcare provider. As Advanced practice nurse step more into the role of primary attending healthcare provider, they are faced with the dilemma of how and when to wean a patient from a ventilator without causing the patient any psychological distress. Many healthcare facilities have a written protocol on specific criteria that the patient needs to meet before terminal weaning is considered. Even if these criteria are met, a family can object to the wean and prevent it from happening. There is certain thing that the advanced practice nurse must think about before considering to discontinue life support. These include, patient’s quality of life, family of the patient and their concerns, hospital protocol, and most importantly, the wishes of the patient. Case Scenario Mary is a patient in the local hospitals Intensive Care Unit. Mary has a history of end stage COPD, lung cancer and renal failure. Mary is currently on life support via a ventilator. Knowing that her life would end due to her health complications, Mary had a living will and an Advance Directive written by an attorney in case that someday she would not be able to make her healthcare wishes be known. Mary did not name a Durable Power of Attorney in her living will. Mary’s family is aware of her wishes but thinks

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