
Role Of Society In The Stanford Prison Experiment

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Society works because individuals have roles that create status which keep order among human beings, In the movie characters were given specific roles which explained their status. The correlation between roles and status was shown clearly in “The stanford Prison Experiment” by breaking down these teenagers society into only two specific roles “Guards” or “Prisoners”.The guards had all the authority and power and symbolized a “Macro” side of society because they were a controlling institution within the movie. Whereas the prisoners were considered to be the lesser and non individual, this meant that to each other and to the guards they were just numbers and symbolized a “Micro” side of society. The experiment shown in the movie is influential and interesting because it shows the decay of humane morals due to the specific roles and status within society. Taking a look at the first day of the experiment, the first encounter between guards and prisoner number (8612), you can see the guards look awkward in the first few seconds of the scene but after stripping and sanitizing the prisoners it seemed as if the guards felt accomplished of what they had done. This was the first scene the led the guards down a spiraling downfall which eventually broke the prisoners down so hard 2 of them had left the experiment because of severe mental breakdowns. At the first meal time for the prisoners an inmate (5704) asked a guard for a smoke, the guard had said yes and handed him a smoke but

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