
Role Of Women In Hinduism

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The Role of Women in Hinduism Hinduism is a prevalently male dominated religion in which women assume an auxiliary part. In India, there are laws that prevent women from having their independence. During the earliest time, women’s legitimate rights to acquire property had been restricted. The ancient Hindu scripture, “Na stri swatantramarhati-’Swatrantam Na Kachit Striyah,” describe women to be unfit for any independence and was viewed as less than human. She was only to be preserved by her male guardians (Halder, Debarati, and K. Jaishankar 664-665). In the Traditional Status of Women in Hinduism, Jayaram V states that “Her father protects (her) in childhood, her husband protects (her) in youth, and her son protects (her) in old age.” Hindu …show more content…

The closest items women had for property is stridhan. Stridhan is a term describe as assets a married women could have such as clothes and jewelry. A gift from a person and property acquired by self-exertion is their own property. According to the law, the wife is not the absolute owner because she and her property belongs to her husband. A man could use it whenever they see fit. When the property was land, a women was never acknowledge as a full owner. If a female was the only child they would adopt a male baby to guard the parental property. No matter how educated a lady might be property could never be left with her. During the medieval period, widowed women started owning property to protect it from Muslim rulers. The property still was limited. They had to transfer succession rights to the nearest male family member of their deceased husband and her jewelry would be forcefully taken. Older widows would be left to plead in a holy place. If she was a young widow, she would be force or encourage to do a bridal burning ritual or sati. Sati is the practice of burning the Hindu widows alive with their husbands. This practice became more common during the Muslim rule in northern India to protect the chastity of Hindu women from Muslims. They killed the widows so they could not claim their deceased husband property. In modern India the practice of Sati is considered to be a criminal act and punishable by the Sati Prevention Act and the India Penal code, along with the Procedure Act. However, the act of sati still proceeds in numerous parts of India to unscrupulously gain women's property (Halder, Debarati, and K. Jaishankar 672). According the journal the property rights of Hindu women, The Code bill released these ancient practices and states that “Any property a Hindu women receives after June 17, 1959 will be her absolute property,” (680). Any gifts, inheritance, purchases, and

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