
Roles Of Women In Oedipus The King, Antigone, And Medea

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Readers of the three Greek plays, Oedipus the King, Antigone, and Medea, can easily gather an abundance of information about the different cultural details within the Greek society at that time. One of the major cultural values that can be picked up from these three plays, is the roles of women in this society. The roles of women can be observed through a comparison between them and their male counterparts.
In Oedipus the King, the only female character that plays a part in the play is Oedipus’s wife, Jocasta. Although Jocasta’s role in the play is a key component to how the story plays out, she doesn’t seem to have as many lines as the men in the play. This in itself can show that a woman’s opinion wasn’t believed to have much importance compared to the opinion of a man. Jocasta was simply expected to support her husband and his decisions. In the play, Jocasta’s role seem’s to simply be present for the sole purpose of helping push Oedipus into discovering the truth about his birth. She informs him that her former husband was told “that it was fate that he should die a victim at the hands of his own son, a son to be born of Laius” (Pg. 11, Ln 820) and herself. She then continues by telling Oedipus all of the details of Laius’ death, which helps brings him to the realization that he was the man who killed Laius. When they later discover that Oedipus is Jocasta’s son, she kills herself. This seems to be a predictable ending for a woman’s life to end in Greek tragedies and

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