
Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry Courage Quotes

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In the novel Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry, Cassie Logan shows courage at the beginning of the novel when little man gets in trouble when he throws his book on the floor and stomps on it because of what was in it. When the teacher says he is going to get a whipping, cassie looks in her book and understands why little man did what he did. In the condition table, whites got the books when they were new, then the condition went down but the whites still used them, and when the condition was very poor, they gave the books to the black and instead of putting colored or black for the race, they put an offensive name. Cassie argues with the teacher and stands up for her little brother. Another act of courage is when cassie is at strawberry and is at the barnett mercantile. When T.J. hands Mr. Barnett the list to fill, he starts filling it but then a white lady comes and he stops and fills hers instead. As he starts …show more content…

He showed courage because in school during a test, T.J was cheating and when the teacher started to walk around the room, he placed the cheat notes by Stacey’s desk, and then Stacey’s mom walked by his desk because she was the teacher and saw the cheat notes. He told her he didn’t know where they came from, but he still took the blame and got whipped in front of the whole class. Another act of courage that Stacey took was when Papa, Mr. Morrison and him went to vicksburg to get the stuff they needed, and when papa got shot and ran over, he helped get him back home. The last act of courage he did was when T.J. was is trouble, he sent cassie and the others to go get papa and Mr. Morrison, and stayed to see if there was anything he could do to help. He was very courageous because of all the racism and Segregation going on, people who fought back would be punished, and Stacey was very courageous because he was just a kid and for him to fight back and risked getting killed is very courageous of

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