
Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry Important Quotes

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Roll of Thunder Hear, Hear My Cry Essay In the novel Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, by Mildred D. Taylor, it is shown that the one of the characters T.J. is the most despicable person in the whole story. To start off, the character T.J. is described as a person who is very manipulative towards the Logans. For example, when T.J. had gotten Stacy in trouble by making him cheat on a test. “ she asked him how he got them cheat notes. But Stacey wouldn’t tell on ole T.J., and you know good and well old T.J. wasn't ‘bout to say them notes was his”(81). It is shown how T.J. had gotten cheat notes and had given them to Stacey, but Stacey didn't want to be a bad friend so he didn't say it was T.J. Also, T.J. has demonstrated many times that he will manipulate people to get what he wants. For this reason, when Stacey had gotten a brand new jacket from Uncle Hammer, T.J. had taken an interest in it, and had told Stacey that he …show more content…

is a individual that would of ontop of being manipulative and shameless, he is also disgraceful. He shows in many different times in the story that he is a low, mean person, that does not care about anyone, but himself. For instance,T.J. once brought the Simms brothers with him to church to just show them off to the Logans as if to say that he has found better friends. T.J. had also said that the Simms brothers treat him like a ‘man’, and saying that they would buy him things and treat him ‘better’. Just trying to show off to the Logans that he has found better people than them. It is also shown in the book that T.J.’s father doesn't like him being around the Simms brothers because he knows they're bad people, but he still insists with hanging out with them, even when his father has told T.J. that he would kick him out. “He say I stay ‘way from that house one more night, he gonna put me out, and he mean it, too”(245). It has proven that the character T.J. is just a disgraceful person on top of everything he has

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