
Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry Jeremy Quotes

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In the novel Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor, both T.J. and Jeremy are Stacey's friends, but when it comes down to it, which one is a better person? Unlike T.J., Jeremy is a better friend because, he cares a great deal about the Logan family, Stacey's friendship with him would stand up for the racial oppressions of this era, and he is a largely determined to be friends with Stacey's siblings.
While T.J. is insolent and rude towards Stacey, Jeremy deeply cares for him and his family. For example, this quote takes place when Jeremy comes to Stacey's house on Christmas day to deliver gifts to him and his family. On page 155, the text states, "Jeremy, who had heard, flushed a deep red and quickly handed Mama a small burlap bag. …show more content…

In the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, it states the basic principles of what citizens of America are granted, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." This shows that all men are created equal, so people should not be suppressive of their friendship. According to the Declaration, people are created as equitables, so their friendship should not be unacceptable. Also, this friendship would revolt against the incredibly racist and unjust Jim Crow laws of this era. On America's Black Holocaust Museum's website, it shares the definition of Jim Crow laws. This definition states, " 'Jim Crow' refers to a system developed in the late 1800s and early 1900s to support white supremacy and oppress black citizens. Although there were laws that discriminated against African Americans throughout the country, the Jim Crow system existed only in the South." These Jim Crow laws were very preposterous and not realistic for people to follow. Unfortunately, people did oppress blacks and they were treated poorly. Because many people in this era believed in this awful laws, black and …show more content…

is because he is always very determined, no matter what others believe, say, or do, to be kind and friendly toward the Logan children (including Stacey). For instance, every school day, he walks with the Logan children. This quote occurs on one of the earlier school days for the Logan children, while they are walking to school. On page 14, the text illustrates Jeremy placidly, without causing trouble ,although he is white and the Logan children are black, walking with the Logan children to school. The text states, "Jeremy kicked the dust and looked toward the north. He was a strange boy. Ever since I (Cassie, Stacey's sister) had begun school, he had walked with us as far as the crossroads in the morning." This shows that Jeremy is very determined to be Stacey's (and all of the Logan children's) friend. Every day, he makes a point to walk with them and speak to them. Jeremy does not have to do this; he could just walk on the other side of the road with his supremacist sister and turn his head the other way. Instead, he is determined to walk with them, even though his sister does not support his decision. It shows that he would make a good friend. Also, Jeremy is often humiliated by his white classmates who ride the bus to school. This quote transpires when Jeremy is walking with the Logan children and a bus filled with white children passes. Jeremy is made fun of for walking with the African-American

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