
Stacey's Lesson Quotes

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Stacey Mr. Courageous Throughout the novel, Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry, Mildred Taylor uses Stacey Logan as a courageous boy standing for his convictions. Stacey proves his convictions by protecting his friends and going after T.J. when he went to the Wallace Store. Staceys actions proved that he was a brave, strong, boy who wanted to protect his family and the land he lived on. Stacey shows his family and friends that he is willing to face the consequences that come with standing up for his convictions. He will stand with his friends until the end. Stacey was willing to protect his friends even if it got him into trouble. Stacey Logan was willing to get in trouble so he could protect his friends. When he snuck out of the house in the middle of the night, he went through the woods to T.J.´s house to take him home. When he entered the woods too go back home, the night men came to T.J.´s house and dragged everyone out. When Stacey saw that they were kicking T.J. around, he said, “Cassie,” Stacey whispered hoarsely, “Cassie, you gotta go get Papa now. Tell him what happened. I don't think …show more content…

Stacey Chases T.J. to the Wallace store where he was not supposed to go and got into a fight. T.J. was cheating on a test and handed the cheat notes to Stacey when he saw Mama coming and got Stacey in trouble for making it seem like he was cheating. In the book it says, “Well, whether she knowed it or not, she sho’ ‘nough whipped him…. Course, now, she give him a chance to get out of it when he said he wasn’t cheatin’ and she asked him how he got them cheat notes. But Stacey wouldn’to tell on ole T.J., and you know good and well ole T.J. wasn’t ‘bout to say them cheat notes was his.” Stacey was being courageous by not telling om T.J. and letting Mama whip him. When school ended, Stacey went after T.J. at the Wallace store and got into a fight Mr. Morrison had to break

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