
Roman Achievements

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Ancient Rome Ancient Rome was a very powerful force that definitely showed their military skills in time of war. The Romans were very religious people, believing in many gods and goddesses. This research paper will cover just some of the achievements and history of the Ancient Roman Empire. The story of Rome say that it was founded in 753 B.C.E. Two brothers, Romulus and Remus, decided that whoever won a fight between themselves would be declared king of the land which Rome would later lie on. At the very end of the fight, Romulus killed Remus and then was declared King of Rome. Rome was actually named after Romulus. In the early years of Rome, it expanded in size and strength through trade. The city's location provided merchants with easily navigable waterways. Romans had the skill of borrowing and improving techniques and concepts for other societies. The Roman kingdom expanded very rapidly from a trading town to a successful city between the 8th and 6th centuries B.C.E. Soon, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus changed the type of government from an monarchy to a republic. The Romans were believers of many gods and goddesses. Their religion also had a strong moral …show more content…

The legion was used for almost all of time Rome’s army was the toughest in the world, but some other tactics changed. A legion was a body of four-thousand to six-thousand soldiers. Those soldiers were then divided into units of 100 men. Legions had flexibility in their capabilities, unlike most of their opponents. When innovative tactics and sound discipline were combined with legions, they were almost invincible.The Western Roman Empire crumbled after a nearly 500 year reign as the greatest superpower in the world. Historians have blamed the fall of Rome on many things. But some people still argue that the Roman Empire didn't really fall since the eastern half of the empire continued to thrive for another thousand

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