
Roman Slaves: Slavery In Ancient Rome

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Roman Slaves
It was very common for senators and patricians to have a slave in their house doing chores such as laundry, cooking and much more jobs in the household. Roman slaves were treated very harshly and with little respect. Being accountants and physicians were common jobs for slaves.
Slaves have classified the lower class, they had no rights in the Roman society. For slaves in who worked out in town, their jobs would be to work in mines, mills, factories, farms and in infrastructure. People in trouble caught by Roman officials could be sentenced to slavery as a punishment. Abandoned children could be brought up as slaves. Fathers who were in desperate need of money could sell their older child as a Roman slave. A life span for a roman slave is …show more content…

Slaves were sold at a slave market. A letter found from Roman London indicates that there was a slave market in the city. There were several slave markets auctioning for slaves. The price of a slave depended on what they could do for their masters. A slave with a talent, skill or trade was more expensive especially if they could cook. Young men also cost more as they could work for their masters longer than an older slave. Back then in Rome, the romans thought very well before they would purchase a slave.
A wealthy Roman might have between 400 and 500 slaves. Life was very hard for many slaves. In Roman law they were seen as property of their master. Slaves had no rights, they could be treated as good or as badly as their masters wished. Some slaves were treated brutally, whilst others led a good life with masters who looked after them well. A slave’s day began very early in the morning, often before sunrise. A slave's job around the house included, helping dress the family, drying them after they have bathed, cleaning a villa, washing clothes, preparing the day’s meals and serving food and

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