
A Comparison Of Chedworth With Other Villas In Britain

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Roman Villas Villas were built across the south of Britain during the occupation of the Romans. These were typically used as farms and also housing estates but others were not. In a villa, typically, you would find mosaic floors, hypocausts, a bath suite, a garden, fountains, fortifications, stone walls, glass windows, courtyards, corridors, a kitchen, farm buildings, painted walls and evidence of worshiping gods and goddesses. In this investigation I will be comparing Chedworth villa with other villas in Britain to discover whether or not Chedworth villa is a typical Roman villa.

Chedworth is …show more content…

The winged corridor villa is what Chedworth was it would have been a sort of 'H' with the two top 'storks' taken off.


[IMAGE]The courtyard villa is basically Chedworth without wings

The aisled villa is just a villa built in the simple shape of a long rectangle.

Chedworth villa is a winged corridor villa with an enclosed courtyard. It is said to have two storeys because the ground floor walls were built thick enough to hold another story.

Chedworth is not an Atypical villa in terms of the plan because other villas have been discovered to have similar plans for example Lullingstone was found to also have winged corridors as did Gadebridge Park. North Leigh and Bignor also had courtyards and Woodchester's plan was symmetrical just like Chedworth is said to be. Other villas which had aspects of their plans that were different to Chedworth are: Lullingstone which although it has winged corridors it is a lot more compact and limited accommodation and Great Wycombe had a 'H' style plan. Generally I would say that the plan of Chedworth is typical because even the villas that are said to have different plans the plans are still similar to Chedworth's an example of this is Great Wycombe's 'H' style plan, the way it

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