
Rome Misunderstod The Outsiders Dbq

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Just like Rome, the U.S.A has lots of natural disaster. We have floods that could cause sinkholes and destroy everything. Then taxes would increase our country so that our country can have money to repair everything. Rome had a similar problem. St.Louis had floods when it rained too much and cause sinkholes just like Rome. The primary reasons Rome “fell” were the government had a poor system, the military had problems, and Rome misunderstood the outsiders. Rome “fell” because they had poor government. First of all, Rome had good rules but no one followed them. For example “Many people were exempt from the military draft”(Doc B). This was a problem because it was unfair to the people who aren’t part of the group who were exempt. Another example is After Rome had failed to enforce the law.For instance the wealthy people could get away with crime(Doc E).This was a problem because it was unfair to people who can’t pay but the wealthy don’t have to pay. Overall, Rome “fell” because people don’t follow rules and the wealthy don’t have to pay. …show more content…

For an example “The Huns exceed any definition of savagery”(Doc D). This was a problem because no one knew if the outsider were actually savage. Ammianus Marcellinus,c. 380 CE said they “ Like unthinking animals, they are completely ignorant of the difference between right and wrong”(Doc D). The Romans thought that the Huns are more fair then the Romans. Finally, another case that made Rome “fall” was because they misunderstood

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