
Romeo And Juliet Blame

Decent Essays

Have you ever blamed a character for a tragedy in a book or movie? In Shakespeare's tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, there is an infamous ending that almost everyone knows. The ending where the two star-crossed lovers kill themselves. They took their own lives because of the love that they shared. The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet can be blamed on the feud, the spontaneous decisions of Romeo, and Friar Lawrence. The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet can be blamed on the feud between the two families. They both knew about the feud, yet still went after each other trying to keep it secret. This was noticed when Juliet said, “My only love sprung from my only hate! Too early seen unknown, and known too late! Prodigious birth of love it is to me. That I must …show more content…

Throughout the play, Romeo would have bad feelings or bad ideas, but he would still go along with it. For example, he had a bad feeling about the party at the Capulets, yet he still showed up and went into the party. Romeo even said that he had a bad feeling about the party when he said, “ With this night’s revels, and expire the term, Of a despised life closed in my breast, By some vile forfeit of untimely death, but he that hath the steerage of my course” (I,V, 116-119). Another reason why Romeo is to blame is because he had only known Juliet for a couple of hours, not even a full day, but he wanted to get married to her the next morning. This is pretty a unreasonable idea and a very quick decision, especially when you don’t know the person. Some people may say that Romeo was making the most of the situation and was trying to live life at the fullest. This isn’t the truth though, because some of his decisions were very dangerous, and led to the death of not only himself, but others. Also, when he saw Juliet ‘dead’ in the tomb, he decided that the next best decision/choice would to be killing himself. Romeo may have loved her a lot, but killing himself because she was dead was a little extreme. In an outside article done by Stanton Peele, he stated, “Romeo and Juliet is actually Shakespeare's case study of what results when two unformed-maladjusted youths meet at vulnerable points in their …show more content…

Friar Lawrence, like Romeo, had a lot of bad decisions or ideas. One thing that he did was marry Romeo and Juliet. He did this without anyone besides the Nurse knowing and with the whole feud thing hanging over them. It’s reasonable to believe that it may have ended the feud, but it also could have made it so much worse. Another thing that Friar Lawrence did was give Juliet the potion. He knew that Juliet wasn’t thinking rationally, especially since she had just tried to kill herself. He begins to realize that it was a bad idea when he said “And with wild looks bid me devise some mean, To rid her from this second marriage, Or in my cell there would she kill herself ”(V, III, 249-251). Stanton Peele also noticed that first Friar was trying to be reasonable, but then gives Juliet the potion, “But then (oy!!!) the good Father resorts to pharmacology: he gives Juliet a potion to make her appear dead” (Romeo and Juliet's Death Trip: Addictive Love and Teen Suicide). Friar also didn’t know if Romeo was going to show up on time, or if at all, yet he still gave the potion to Juliet. A final reason that you can blame Friar Lawrence for the tragedy is that he could have waited by Juliet’s tomb for Romeo. If he would have done this, he could have explained the situation and this would have meant that neither Romeo or Juliet would have died in the

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