
Romeo And Juliet Comparison Essay

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Romeo and Juliet is a famous and well known performance. Throughout the years many remakes and spin offs have been made. I am going to be focusing on the 1996 movie remake of Romeo+Juliet and the no fear Shakespeare graphic novel of Romeo and Juliet. While comparing and contrasting these remakes you will see many subtle and noticeable differences between the two. Language is one of the biggest things to compare and contrast. The 1996 remake includes only some of the dialogue but the dialogue included is identical to the original play. While the graphic novel simplifies much of the original Elizabethan language but includes all of the dialog and accurately replicates the play. This is just one example of the graphic novels simplification …show more content…

The graphic novel is meant to replicate the play's setting as closely as possible, so basically all of the scenes in the graphic novel are the same as the play would have been. In the 1996 remake you see that the setting is supposedly Verona but it is actually a different Verona. The Verona in the graphic novel is in Italy while the movies Verona is in the US. Also the film uses guns and cars because it takes place in present times, both of those items were unavailable in the late 1500’s where Romeo and Juliet originally took place. Because the 1996 remake was modernized many of the action scenes were changed to fit present times. An example of this is in act 5 scene 3 when the double suicide occurs with Romeo and Juliet. In the graphic novel Juliet stabs herself. While in the 1996 remake Juliet shoots herself with a pistol. Another example is in act 3 scene 1 were Tybalt kills Mercutio and Romeo kills Tybalt shortly after. In the graphic novel this is all one straight scene with no interruption. Tybalt stabbed Mercutio and Romeo followed that up by stabbing Tybalt. In the 1996 remake it goes down in this order. First Tybalt kills Mercutio. Once that happened they switched the camera to Juliet. Secondly they go back to Romeo and he shoots Tybalt. As you can see they separate the scene into two

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