
Romeo And Juliet Decision Analysis

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At least once in their life, everyone has heard of the famous play Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare’s tale of the two star crossed lovers is a tragedy well- known for its characters drastic decisions. A common thought is shared amongst viewers and readers of the play as to what caused the young couple to make such rash and extreme decisions. Much of Romeo and Juliet’s behavior, actions, and decisions is related to their level of maturity and early experiences in life. Maturity is acquired as the brain develops. During the adolescent years, the brain is not fully mature leading to rash and ill- advised decisions. David Dobbs is the author of an article explaining the science behind the development of the brain. An important point is “also peaking …show more content…

The family feud between the Montagues and Capulets prevents the two star crossed lovers from feeling free to express their feelings to their parents. As a result of this lack of communication between the parents and child, Romeo and Juliet are left to decide what is for them. Considering the ages of Romeo and Juliet, they are limited on what they fully comprehend which makes is twice as hard for them to make logical and reasonable decisions for themselves. Besides including their parents into the situation, Romeo and Juliet could have slowed down and taken more time to considered all their options. The time from they saw each other at the ball to the time they decided to get married is a matter of days. A couple of days is not near enough time for one to decide to marry and spend the rest of their life with someone they just met at a masquerade ball. By slowing down and not being impulsive in making all the decisions at one, a lot of the conflict that occurred would not have happened. The end results in the play, correlated to the lack of parent involvement and impulsive decision- making, and as a result much of what could have been easily prevented was devastatingly

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