
Romeo And Juliet Fate Vs Free Will

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William Shakespeare once said, “Everyone has their fate, and the more people try to avoid it, the more trouble they get into.” In the story “Romeo and Juliet,” by William Shakespeare, set in the fair city of Verona, Italy, Romeo and Juliet must keep their love hidden from their two feuding families, the Montagues and the Capulets. After Romeo is banished from the city, he and Juliet will sacrifice everything including their lives for each other. The tragic love story of these two star crossed lovers has influenced our society and culture with movies like Titanic and The Outsiders where fate has a clear influence in these classic stories of forbidden love. By looking at “Romeo and Juliet,” Shakespeare delivers a message about life, suggesting that our lives our controlled by fate rather than free will. …show more content…

According to Romeo, “Is she a Capulet? Oh, this is a heavy price to pay! My life is in the hands of my enemy…but I’m afraid I’m in more trouble than ever” (Act 1, Scene 5, Page 6). Romeo knows that by falling in love with Juliet, a Capulet, he’s risking his own life for his one true love. He believes that the romantic relationship with Juliet will be the death of him because of their families rivalry; subsequently, causing them to keep their love a secret. This shows that it is fate that brought both Romeo and Juliet together at the Capulet's party. Furthermore, Shakespeare emphasizes fate with the moment they meet each other, but also with the banishment of

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