
Romeo And Juliet Hidden Identity Essay

Decent Essays

Romeo and Juliet Mask: The Hidden Identity
A mask can be a symbol of many things. Some people use masks to show emotions, or to hide your identity for day or two at a time. My mask is used or created for many reasons. It symbolizes who I am, using colors most people would not put together, it also lets yourself be free from a name, and it helps increase the mystery of finding out who you are. Orange describes not only the place I live, Orange County, but my favorite color. Orange is vibrant and illuminating. It conceals every color with either the neon form or the sunset.
The black and white symbolize the darkness and the light. One of my many life mottos is that “you always need darkness to receive the light.” Next are the jewels/ gems that surround the mask. These indicate the universe and the stars. Personally I like sunsets better than sun rises. Sunsets show the universe, and how small your problems are compared to the world. Sunsets allow you to look at the glamourous stars, and see that your problems are so infinitely small. The gems …show more content…

The feathers show that you always have two options. You could fly away from your troubles and problems, or you could show the world that you are not affected by the life’s choices. The white string on the back of the mask shows how little is takes to break someone. This helps realize that one little thing could make a difference; it is also a huge reason to be nice to everyone. The string shows the sweetness I show to the special needs kids I help at Saddleback. Also, since my mother is a 1st grade teacher, I see how easily broken that string is. Finally, the designs on which the mask is shown. The smooth curves of the white and orange lines indicate all the things I love to do. This includes running, cheering, playing/watching football, walking around my neighborhood, hanging out with my friends, learning new things, and reading all the books I can get ahold

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