
Romeo And Juliet Montegue Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

(Brushes her hair, then sighs) Oh why! How could something so divine as love, turn to something so dreadful? (Pauses) No! I know how, I know exactly how! My ignorant father, he’s the reason for all of this. (forcefully places hairbrush down) Always trying to cause trouble. (throws hands in the air) Seriously! How long has this insane feud been going on for, I have no clue, and my father can’t even answer that question because he has no idea, he doesn’t even know what he and the Montegues are fighting over, it’s been that long! (pauses) He is that stubborn and so hard headed, that he doesn’t even know why he has such hatred towards Montegues! And Tybalt! (stands abruptly) What on earth was he thinking that day, when he pulled out that sword and thought he could battle with Mercutio and Romeo out on the streets? (stands still) I know, I know, I should be mourning my cousin’s death but I can’t help but feel furious with him. (Walks back to table) I mean, did he not take heed to Prince Escalus warning, (sits) “Lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace” of course it was Romeo. I bet my father’s happy that Romeo has been banished from Verona. (shakes head, …show more content…

Families are supposed to support each other, be abundant in love and happiness! (smiles) They take the time to actually listen to the other. (Angrily says) No such thing exists in this family. I feel like all I’m ever doing is bowing at my fathers every command, all I have ever done is obey him, and the one time I decide to rebel he tells me he’ll abandon me. And mother! She is no better, standing by my father’s side while he yells at me, I begged her to help me, but she said she wanted no part! Ha (laughs bitterly) and then she offers to help me for the wedding (laughs) of course I’d choose nurse over her, nurse has been there for me when my parents were not. (softens tone) I’m so grateful I have nurse in my life, she’s my true friend, closer than my own

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