
Romeo And Juliet Persuasive Essay

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It is the genuine belief of many that the world is limitless and all people are invincible. If a problem arises, they believe a new technology or science will simply be developed to solve it. Because of this, many people have coined the phrase “That which does not kill us, makes us stronger” which was first accredited to a German philosopher and scholar named Friedrich Nietzsche in the 1800s. Amongst these people is psychologist Dr. Mark Seery. In his 2010 study “Whatever Doesn't Kill Us: Cumulative Lifetime Adversity, Vulnerability, and Resilience,” he determined this is indeed the case. Dr. Seery claimed, “adverse experiences... foster subsequent resilience, with resulting advantages for mental health and well-being.” Despite his conclusion, and those of many other philosophers and scientists alike, author and playwright William Shakespeare appears to have a different opinion. In his acclaimed play The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet based on an “ancient …show more content…

Despite their feuding families’ opinions, Romeo and Juliet have an instant attraction to each other. Seeing as Romeo and Juliet met at a party at the Capulets’ house, their attraction is one that would not have been discovered if it was not for the similarities in their socioeconomic status. According to Dr. Aaron Ben-Zeév, similarities in the backgrounds between people is “helpful in maintaining love relations.” Because of their high status, both Romeo and Juliet experienced life as if they were invincible. When the truth that “Romeo slew Tybalt” (III. 1. 190) was revealed and Romeo was banished, Romeo and Juliet realized they could not uphold the high expectations placed upon them at birth. Romeo and Juliet’s fatal downfall caused by an attempt to leave Verona together was the result of this realization and burdensome socioeconomic

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