
Romeo And Juliet Research Paper

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Out of the 37 plays the great William Shakespeare wrote, Romeo and Juliet is definitely one of the best. In Romeo and Juliet, as everyone knows, the two lovers die of a tragic demise. Some people speculate what could’ve caused their story to end. There have been multiple theories about this. The death of Romeo and Juliet were caused by the feud between households, Tybalt’s anger, and Friar Lawrence's inconvenient planning. The first reason as to why I believe the feud between the households caused the death of Romeo and Juliet is it’s caused others to die. The others that were killed, which lead up to Romeo and Juliet’s deaths are Mercutio, Tybalt, and others. The second reason as to why I believe the feud caused the deaths was because it …show more content…

My first reason why I believe Tybalt’s anger caused the death of Romeo and Juliet is when Tybalt tried to confront Romeo at the dance and fight him. Tybalt knew that Romeo wasn’t supposed to be there, so instead of confronting him and asking him to leave, he got angry and was about to attack, but then Lord Capulet calmed him down. “You’ll make a mutiny among my guests! You will set cock-a-hoop! you’ll be the man!” “Why, uncle, ’tis a shame.” “Go to, go to; You are a saucy boy: is’t so, indeed?” (Scene IV Act I/-16). In the article Anger, Pain, and Depression, it talks about how people who have anger issues feel good when they do something bad, or they release their anger in a bad way. “A powerful emotion physiologically and emotionally, anger often feels good—but only for the moment. It can be a motivating force that moves you to action.” Lastly, another reason that caused Romeo and Juliet’s deaths is Friar Lawrence. I said Friar Lawrence because he didn’t come up with the best ideas. One example of this is when he came up with a long and tricky plan that only worked if everyone knew what was going on. Secondly, he decided to give Juliet the potion which made everyone think she was dead, even Romeo because he wasn’t fully aware of the plan. Lastly, Friar Lawrence didn’t help Romeo and Juliet meet face to face so that he could explain the plan to both parties. Instead, he only shared it with

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