
Romeo And Juliet Research Paper

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In the play “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare, there is not just one person that holds full responsibility for the tragic deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Many people may believe that it was fate, and written in the stars, but it had to of been the actions that characters in this play had carried out; almost every character was part of the reason for the result to Romeo and Juliet's death. First, Romeo had been hurt and soon was convinced to attend a party in order to help him get over Rosaline, the one who doesn't love him back. Romeo soon met Juliet and they had said it as love in first sight. As the play goes on, they began to fall more in love, but on the downside have to hide it. By the end of the story they are married, but Romeo is …show more content…

In the beginning, Benvolio had taken Romeo to a Capulet party; Benvolio's reason for this was to help Romeo get over Rosaline. While trying to be a good friend, Benvolio tells Romeo to “compare her face with some that I shall how / and I will make thee think thy swan a crow” (Shakespeare 1.2 93-94). He is only teaching Romeo to go for looks. Therefore, when Romeo thinks he is in love, he might not actually feel emotionally connected but physically. With Romeo being blind sighted by his different emotions, he may become more depressed and not care to live if he can't be with the next person he falls in love with, Juliet. After Benvolio convinces Romeo to go to the party, Mercutio begins to make fun of Romeo when he tells his friends that he has a bad feeling about the event they are heading to. Instead of being a propur friend by making sure Romeo is fully comfortable, Mercutio decides to make fun of him. As Romeo becomes serious about his dream, Mercutio starts joking around by saying “so do I” (Shakespeare 1.4 54). In result of this, Mercutio had made Romeo feel embarrassed about feeling like his dream had a meaning; Romeo felt like he was obligated to attend the party with his

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