
Romeo And Juliet Should Parents Decide Who We Marry

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Should parents decide who we marry? This question is addressed in the book, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet is about true love. Their families are enemies but Romeo and Juliet find love. Juliet's family wants her to marry another suitor, Paris, for basically their benefit. Juliet’s family thinks Paris is suitable because he would bring them money and fame; he is very unsuitable for Juliet because he is obsessed and she does not love him.

One reason why Paris is suitable for Juliet is because he is handsome and rich. When Nurse and Lady Capulet are talking with Juliet about marrying Paris, they are trying to explain to Juliet why she should marry him. Lady capulet says to Juliet, :“Read o'er the volume of young Paris' face, …show more content…

This precious book of love, this unbound lover,
To beautify him, only lacks a cover” 1.3 83-90).
It is clear that Lady Capulet believes Paris is suitable for Juliet because he is handsome. has some good qualities like being rich and popular that Juliet's parents see and they want Juliet to see that.Lady capulet is sad that Juliet died but friar lawrence says to her, The most you hope for was for her to marry a wealthy and rise up in the social ladder” (4.5 71-72) Marrying Paris would have had many benefits for their family like money and higher social ranking. these are all benefits on Juliet marrying Paris so this shows why he is suitable.

Paris is not suitable for Juliet because he is too pushy and obsessive.
Friar lawrence is talking to Paris about how the marriage is rushed. Then Juliet walked in and they talk then Paris says “Do not deny that you love me “ (4.1 25). This evidence supports the claim because it shows that he is pushy and demanding. Also it is one of their first

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