
Romeo As Reflected In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is more compulsive than Juliet. First, Romeo is more compulsive than Juliet, because he falls in love to easily. Romeo says to his cousin Benvolio, “Out of her favor where I am in love” (Shakespeare 1.1.178). This example shows that Romeo is compulsive, because he falls in love with someone who is not at all interested. Next Romeo is more compulsive than Juliet because he shuts everyone out as a result of disappointment and heart break. Montague tells Benvolio, “Away from the light steals home my heavy son and private in his chamber pens himself, shuts up his windows, locks fair daylight out, and makes himself and artificial night” (Shakespeare 1.1.139). This evidence shows that Romeo became depressed after he found

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