
Romeo Is To Blame In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Who is the most responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet? The play Romeo and Juliet is one of the most well known play, and story of all time. This play is about two teenagers that get married right as they meet, and then kill themselves over each other. I think Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet to show how impulsive and irrational teens are. “Scientists have identified a specific region of the brain called the amygdala that is responsible for immediate reactions including fear and aggressive behavior. This region develops early. However, the frontal cortex, the area of the brain that controls reasoning and helps us think before we act, develops later. This part of the brain is still changing and maturing well into adulthood.” This …show more content…

Romeo is most to blame, because he is impulsive. In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo jumps the Capulets’ wall to avoid Mercutio and Benvolio. This impulsive act leads to their declarations of love and pledge to marry, an impulsive thing to do on the night of meeting someone. Secondly, When Tybalt kills Mercutio, in the middle of the street, which is illegal, then Romeo impulsively kills Tybalt; avenging Mercutio. Romeo said “I am fortune's fool,” showing that he knows that he is impulsive. This shows that Romeo is impulsive, because he killed Tybalt without thinking he would be banished, and recognized it. Romeo also impulsively kills Paris when he meets him in the Capulet tomb. This impulsive act lead to drama with Paris and Juliet's families. All in all, Romeo is to blame, because he doesn’t think things through all the way. If Romeo would’ve thought his actions out, then this tragic event wouldn’t have …show more content…

In Act 2, scene 6 Friar Laurence says to Romeo “These violent delights have violent ends. And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, Which as they kiss consume. The sweetest honey. Is loathsome in his own deliciousness. And in the taste confounds the appetite. Therefore love moderately. Long love doth so. Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow.” This quote from Friar Laurence, warns Romeo that if he rushes this relationship it can end very quick. Friar Laurence also did not know that Romeo was coming back or he would’ve been there to tell Romeo Juliet’s plan. Even though Friar Laurence proposed the potion plan to Juliet, he also warned her that it could harm he and might not work. In the end Friar Laurence could be to blame, but he gave Romeo notice in advance for all of his

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