
Romeo's Monologue

Decent Essays

Suddenly, Mrs. Akers approached.
As my first grade teacher strolled towards me, my throat progressively became parched
The closer she got, the more my feet clamored to run.
Did I pass?
Had I succeeded?
Stopping in front of me, she told me sadly, “Yusuf I’m sorry to say that you did not pass the test to skip second grade."
My body froze.
And just like that everything crashed.
My world shattered in thousands of tiny pieces just like in Romeo and Juliet, when Romeo saw Juliet lying lifelessly on the floor. In my head a cacophony of violins made my footsteps crooked.
Starting the dark dreary walk back home, I barely sensed the harsh pounding of raindrops on my forlorn face. Thunder crackled ominously overhead, a tidal wave of mucky water covered the dusty streets. The world seemed to be crashing before my numb, tear-stricken eyes. …show more content…

As my toes touched the welcome mat, my muddy hands gingerly opened the door with as much stealth as a chubby seven-year old could, but the door, my constant enemy, betrayed me by creaking. My mother and father appeared with bright smiles on their faces, while my stomach lurched with misery.
“So how was school?” They asked in an inquisitive

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