
Rosa's View Of Segregation: A Case Study

Decent Essays

Rosa’s education had a large impact on her view of segregation. At five years old, Rosa began school in a one-room schoolhouse in Pine Level, Alabama (Ashby, 2008). In 1925, Rosa then enrolled at Miss White’s Industrial School for Girls (Ashby, 2008). After the school was burnt down a year earlier by a white mob, Ms. White gave freed black girls the chance of education (Ashby, 2008). Rosa had learned many things from Ms White, but the one that stuck with her was learning about self-respect. As Rosa learns more and more about self-respect and segregation, she becomes more ambitious and vocal about how she is treated and her civil rights (Ashby, 2008). The next milestone in Rosa’s life had her moving place to place. After Ms. White moved to the

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