
Rose For Emily

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SHORT STORY LITERARY ANALYSIS PAPER PLAN: INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH In William Falkner’s short story “A Rose for Emily,” Falkner presents the theme of many of his popular works: the representation of the influence of tradition’s longevity versus change in the perspective of society as it grows. “A Rose for Emily” is centered on few encounters, and the perspective that influence them, occur between the townsfolk and the outsider Ms. Emily. These encounters occurred when the ever progressing and changing town of Jackson, Mississippi and the traditions of said growing town coming into conflict in “A Rose for Emily”. Each perspective of the encounters created two distinct different perspectives of, or approaches to, the traditions and what can and cannot ‘fit’ into the modernization of society. Falkner engages these …show more content…

Emily MSD2: Townsman MSD3: Townswomen BP2 Plan TS: As an extension of Falkner’s use of multidimensional characterizations, Falkner uses symbolism in many ways during the tale in order to improve and express the power and longevity of social traditions. MSD1: Town itself is on the brink of newer modern technologies, roads, and homes—YET the town has maintained long-term respect and dignity for the traditional areas. MSD2: Townsfolk do not pressure her actions: do not question the poison, do not question the lack of mail-box, do not pressure her cleaning, NOR when she refuses her taxes. MSD3: Neighbors don’t pressure Ms. Emily, but rather pity her which is reflected in their attempts to use newer changes and adapt them to Ms. Emily’s particular methodology (instead of making her deal with the embarrassment that a WOMAN would be known of her stature, they sneak stuff to take away the scent without harming her dignity…) BP 3 Plan TS: Generally, the subtle individual perspectives create an overall group-social expectancy; this expectance allows Falkner’s character and symbolic attributes throughout this story work to fully express and reiterate the

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