
Rough Draft Research Paper

Decent Essays

It seems that at this point in time rough drafts are becoming less and less of a staple feature in society. People no longer feel the need to collect their thoughts and ponder on the point their trying to make. Instead, most people want to print that final paper as fast as they possibly can, just to get it over with. The common mentality is that the idea or opinion being presented comes second to how fast you can blurt it out. This is probably do to the fact that without a rough draft there is no need to worry over whether or not your point is correct, instead one can focus on defending the paper when it is challenged by criticism. However, I believe that without a rough draft the importance of the idea within the paper is forgotten and lost within the haste of the presentation. In the end, if you don’t take the time to think, then your own opinion won’t be one hundred percent of your own beliefs. …show more content…

More so I mean the things people say and how they express their opinion. I see it everywhere; people not preparing their thoughts before they proclaim it as their own personal opinion. But the problem with this is that when someone forgets to think about what they say (or write a rough draft in their head) they often just follow the opinion of the last person they heard. I, like the rest of us, have had first hand experience in stating my thoughts or ideas without thinking about the issue for myself or wondering if the I agree completely with what I just said. Recently, about a month ago, I caught myself doing just

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