
Rousseau Inequality

Decent Essays

In Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Discourse on the Origins of Inequality, Rousseau argues that man needs to be investigated by distinguishing between natural inequalities, such physical aspects, and moral inequalities, such as comparing man in the State of Nature, in order to determine if modern inequality is artificial and unnatural through analyzing the origin of such inequality and how it compares to present day society. Rousseau does not agree with other philosophers such as John Locke and Thomas Hobbes since Rousseau believed that they used what they knew of a civilized man and placed him in the State of Nature. In order to challenge this perspective, Rousseau created the Savage Man to represent someone having all their needs met but still needing …show more content…

Humans have the notion of perfectibility, meaning that they work to reach a goal or improve. Inequality in the state of nature is difficult to notice except for human’s will and ability to improve. The reason why Savage Man was able to become Civilized Man was due to his heightened sense of freedom based on his capacity for improvement. Perfectibility describes how humans can learn freely based on desire or need. Similarly, pity is the opposite of self-prevention. These two emotions help Savage Man stay in harmony with other humans. Rousseau believes that this is the lock between humans since it allows humans to feel sympathy and empathy towards someone else. This thus allows Savage Man a sense of peace and work towards the preservation of the human species. These two qualities serve as a social magnetic dipole, allowing Savage Men to exist together since pity attracts one person to another while self-preservation pushes them apart. Savage Man has “desire for self-preservation” as “this serves to moderate the ardour he has for his own well being by giving him an innate repugnance against seeing a fellow creature suffer” (99). Rousseau argues that pity was the only rule that natural man required thus guaranteeing harmony. Savage Man can be good without the need of laws. Savage Man is pushed to compare themselves others around him and overall gain pity on those suffering. Overall, the Savage Man is not evil because he does not know the difference between good and wicked or based on laws or intelligence. He is evil because he is ignorant of the

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