
Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer

Decent Essays

After years of teasing and name-calling, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer has finally had it. Write a short story (5 to 7 paragraphs) about Rudolph quitting and what his new plan are.

I spent a lot of my time alone, sitting on the floor of the stable I shared with a friendly mouse. The mouse tried to talk to me, always going, “Hey, hey Rudolph? All your reindeer buddies are outside. They’re jumpin’ in all the snow, and boy, does it look fun. You know they out there shoutin’ your name, right? Like they want you to join? How bout it, man? You could really cheer up.”
Little did that mouse know that those reindeer were the worst of the worst. Gifted with flight, like I was, they took that power to their head. They thought they were better than all the other reindeer. They were incredibly strong and fast, and they loved Mr. Santa Claus selecting them to pull his sleigh. The only reason I’m here is because my glowing nose, but everyone’s heard that story. It’s in that song that everyone loves. I get cards every year from cute little five year …show more content…

I’ve already found some nice little leaf scraps to give to my mouse friend, and I’ve got a bag packed full of shoes, food, and some scarves, in case it gets chilly.
However, I’ve got some problems with my plan. I’ve done some research on reindeer with glowing noses. First of all, they don’t exist. Second, glowing things attracts bugs and humans. Third, I’ve only grown up eating leaves up North, so if I move further South, I don’t know what I’ll eat! I could grow a garden with the plants I brought, sure, but will I be able to actually make a garden? Hooves and antlers can only do so much. Also, my little mouthy mouse buddy will probably say something to the other deer about where I’m headed. He tells me I talk in my sleep, and when sleeping, I can’t protect myself from saying the wrong things. I don’t want to take him with me, though, and I certainly have never killed anything

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