
Rufus King Essay

Decent Essays

Rufus King

Rufus King Manor Museum, located in Jamaica, Queens was once the home or Rufus and his family. He grew up in wealthy family himself and was the son of a merchant. When he got older, Rufus attended and graduated from Harvard where he studied to be a lawyer. Aside from being interested in law, he was a statesman and a farmer. During his years of dedicated studying, he postponed his education to serve in the militia and fought in the Revolutionary war of 1778. Soon after served as a member of the confederation congress where he planned on making a difference by stating his opinions on slavery and trying to make a change. Rufus King’s life was well portrayed by the way he lived and his home was a great way of showing that. …show more content…

Since he spent most of his time in this room, he had a small heating system, which contained a rectangular metal box where he placed coal inside to create heat. Besides his chair and all his books, was his spacious desk where he wrote letters. This room was a bit different from the rest of the rooms because it was made of wood. Rufus also created an illusion of a different type of wood by painting over the wall using wallpaper that appeared to look like wood.
The pantry was where they gathered the silver wear, plates and built in cupboards. But was slightly changed into a bathroom since back then they had to leave the house in order to use the restroom. Besides this pantry was a hallway that lead to the service hall which was what joined the older farmhouse with the new additional wing. This is where the work areas were located and is where most of the servants and staff were located. In the King household he had 8-12 servants, some being Irish immigrants or blacks. Rufus King actually owned a slave girl; she was a wage slave but was released when she turned 18 years old. Mr. King did this with the intentions of showing others it was the right thing to do. After they released her, she decided to stay working in the King household.
The Kitchen was from the 1850’s, very old-fashioned stove, waffle and cookie maker. The

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