
Russian Steppes Essay

Decent Essays

From its vast mountains to its extending rivers, Russia has been blessed with a variety of geographical features which have aided its preeminence in history. These features have immensely affected how Russia developed throughout the years. Russia is known to be the largest country in the world: it stretches about six thousand miles across Northern Asia and Eastern Europe. Because of its vast size and abundance of land, Russia has various different geographical features. It consists of the Eurasian steppes, the Dnieper, Neva, and Volga Rivers, and the Ural Mountains (Vodovozov). These geographic features have served as natural barriers, physical boundaries, and for agricultural purposes.
To begin, the Eurasian Steppes are large pieces of uncultivated land located in eastern Europe

and Russia (“The Steppes”). They extend from the Danube River to the Pacific Ocean. The Eurasian

Steppes are divided into three parts: the Russian Steppe, the Ukraine Steppe, and the Kazakh Steppe.

The Russian and Ukrainian Steppes have mild temperatures and are grasslands; so many people

inhabited them. But the Kazakh Steppe, on the other hand, is a desert. As a result, not that many people

occupied and inhabited this steppe. Today the Eurasian Steppes are mainly used by people in search of

oil (“The Steppes”). However, in the past it played a significant role in connecting Europe, Asia, and the

Middle East via trade routes, like the Silk Road (Trueman). Goods, such as camels, woolen

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