
Ruth In Pride And Prejudice

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Ruth, the mother of James, and eleven other children, was an orthodox jewish girl from Eastern Europe who immigrated to America in the early 1900s. Being a Jew in an American school gave her enough racists remarks, but then having mixed race children caused more racism. James, on of Ruth’s many kids, was terrified for his mother during the Black Pride movement. (Page 27, chapter 4) James saw a clip of the Black Panther rally on TV. The people in the march were chanting “Black power! Black Power!” and James was worried that those people would kill his mother because she was white living with mixed kids. But those people didn't seem to both Ruth because as she said “If it doesn't involve your going to school or church, I could care less about it and my answer is no whatever it is” (page 27) …show more content…

When Ruth got married, she married a black man. She never saw a problem in Black people, she looked at everyone the same. But her Father, Tateh didn't like black people. In fact, her entire family cut Ruth out of their lives because she married a black man. Ruth’s first boyfriend’s name was Peter, and he lived in a house behind the store. (Page 110 and 11)) When the couple wanted to see each other, Peter always made sure Ruth’s parents weren't around. Because if they ever found out she was talking to a black boy, Tateh would shoot the both of them with his pistol. But Ruth loved peter to death, he was the first man other than he grandfather who ever showed her any

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